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What to expect after Green Zone Lap Band Surgery

How About after Green Zone Lap Band Surgery?

After any weight-loss surgery you may feel like your life is turned upside down.  You will need to follow a strict diet to help your body recover and adjust to the new stomach size.  You may have many questions concerning what to expect after green zone lap band surgery and you should take advantage of the free surgeon consultation before your surgery to get the answers you desire.

You will spend up to two nights in the hospital after your surgery.  This time allows the surgical team to monitor you and make sure you are on the right path to recovery.  Once released, you will have access to a trained team of professionals for support.  They can help answer any questions you have and will help set you up with the right diet for your needs.

The diet will consist of liquids, at first, and then gradually will work towards pureed foods.  After about 6 weeks, you will introduce solid foods back into your diet with smaller portions.  If you don’t follow the diet properly, you could end up with heartburn or vomiting because your stomach cannot handle what you feed it.  Not to mention, you won’t lose your excess weight nearly as fast.

How Much Weight Can I Loose?

Most patients can expect to lose around 70% of their excess weight within the first year after surgery.  Many cases have shown better results with green zone surgeries and more immediate weight loss than with traditional gastric surgeries.  This is largely due to the EndoFlip technology used to ensure the band is properly placed and tightened during surgery.

This technology allows for an accurate measurement of the stoma and gastric pouch in each patient.  With precise measurements, the surgeon can customize the surgery to fit each patient better.  The results speak for themselves, as many patients recover faster and lose more weight sooner with green zone surgeries than other procedures.

When you choose Angeles Health for your weight-loss surgery, you will gain access to the support network after surgery, receive discounts on other medical procedures, and your procedure will be performed by one of the top ten bariatric surgeons in the world.  If you need excess skin removed or stubborn fat pockets removed, after your initial surgery, these procedures will receive a discount.

As long as you follow the instructions given by the Angeles Health team, you will recover very fast from your surgery.  You won’t need your first fill for a few months and all your questions relating to what to expect after green zone lap bad surgery will be answered.