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Weight Loss Surgery News

Weight Loss surgery reduces Heart attack risk

According to a recent Swedish survey, people who had weight loss surgery were less likely to suffer from heart attack or stroke later in life. Over a period of 14 years, 4000 obese people were monitored across 500 health care centers throughout Sweden. Half had bariatric surgery while the other half underwent regular care and […]


Rex Ryan is proud of his weight loss surgery

New York Jets coach Rex Ryan has been very quiet about his weight loss surgery since he had it in 2010. But that’s not because he was worried people would accuse him of cheating, but because he was waiting until he had lost 100 pounds before he told the world of his achievement. Rex explained […]


Is weight loss surgery cheating?

Weight loss surgery helps obese people who have been battling with their weight and probably other weight-related health issues, to lose weight. It reduces their appetite and could reduce the person’s need for fatty foods.  But is weight loss surgery cheating? Some people seem to think that weight loss surgery is the easy way out; […]


Link found between obesity and depression

Scientists studying the link between obesity and depression have shown that depressed people are more likely to become obese and that obese people have an increased chance of developing depression. This is known as a bi-directional link, meaning that one condition increases the incidence of the other. A study in 2010 showed that overweight people […]


Exercise and Weight Loss Surgery

If you have already had weight loss surgery you will be aware of the health risks of being overweight and the benefits of having surgery to help you lose that weight. It can be a long journey, with physical and emotional ups and downs. But even once you get to your target weight it is […]


Should you have weight loss surgery?

Most people have dieted at some point in their lives, some with more success than others. There are various theories about reasons for over eating, from stress factors to lack of education on what is the right food to eat, or just habit. However you got to the point of being overweight, the thing to […]


Be kind to yourself; Maintaining your ideal weight after weight loss surgery.

If you have had weight loss surgery and have achieved your ideal weight then Congratulations That’s amazing news! Now that you have a normal BMI you have reduced the risk of having a stroke, or developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, hypertension, gallbladder disease, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and respiratory problems, and […]


Even Doctors go to Mexico for Weight Loss Surgery!

Watch one of our weight loss surgery patients discussing Angeles Health in Mexico. A doctor himself, our patient was very pleased with the facilities and level of professionalism he found at our hospital, as well as his after care and the general standard of care. He said he feels great just 24 hours after lap […]


Gastric Plication Video

Check out this video of Dr. Lopez Corvala talking about gastric plication at Angeles Health in Mexico: For more information please contact us using the form on the right.