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Weight Loss Surgery News

The Physical Benefits Of Achieving A Healthy Weight

January is Healthy Weight Awareness Month. Yes, we all know we should try to maintain a healthy weight.   In this article we are going to look at the whole weight/ health picture from a different perspective. Instead of looking at why being overweight is bad, we are going to take a look at why being […]


Top Calorie Saving Food Swaps

As party season gets into full swing, many of us are feeling the bulge already. It can be hard to cut calories, especially if you are eating out, or at a party. Choosing what to eat can be even harder if you have had weight loss surgery, such as lap band surgery or gastric bypass […]


Considering Weight Loss Surgery? There’s No Time Like The Present!

For many people who are obese, weight loss surgery feels like a last resort, something people do if they can’t lose weight by themselves because they don’t have the willpower or resources. Many people will wait, until after a big birthday, after their vacation and, especially at this time of year, after the holidays before […]


Top Trick To Keep Holiday Weight Gain To A Minimum

With America’s waistbands already a little bit tighter after Thanksgiving, most of us a probably a little bit scared of getting on the scales right now! There are lots of different approaches to managing weight gain, or maintaining weight loss over the holidays. Whether you are preparing for weight loss surgery, you are trying to […]


Could Nuts Help Prevent Cancer and Heart Disease?

A new 30 year study has been released that shows the benefits of eating nuts regularly. The study shows that a handful of nuts a day could reduce risks of heart disease and cancer as well as help you to stay slim. In fact, the study goes as far as to say that nut eaters […]


Weight Related Diabetes and Weight Loss Surgery

Diabetes is diabetes, right? Wrong! There are several types of diabetes and they are all very different. Two conditions, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes can be caused by obesity. Here we take a look at these conditions and how weight loss surgery can help. Prediabetes Technically prediabetes isn’t a type of diabetes. However, it is […]


Celebratory Pecan Cupcakes

Happy World Diabetes Day! Today is World Diabetes Day where medical professionals over the world are raising awareness of diabetes, of the risk factors of the disease and of measures people can take to prevent developing it. If you or someone you love has diabetes, it’s not all bad news. Continuing research is starting to […]


This Is National Diabetes Awareness Month. But What IS Diabetes?

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. We have all heard of diabetes, but how many of us actually know exactly what it is? Over the month we will look at what diabetes is, types of diabetes, some great diabetes friendly recipes and how weight loss surgery, particularly gastric bypass surgery, can help prevent and even […]


Further Evidence Suggests Weight Loss Surgery Could Prevent Heart Failure

Weight loss surgery helps patients to achieve consistent, long term weight loss. However, medical evidence points to the fact that weight loss surgery, such as lap band surgery, gastric sleeve surgery and gastric bypass surgery, are effective in reducing obese patients’ risks of a number of serious obesity-related conditions. Scientific studies are increasingly showing that […]


Warming Pumpkin & Turkey Chili

As the temperatures start to drop and the pumpkins are coming out to play, this is a delicious, protein-packed weight loss surgery friendly recipe for all the family. Pumpkins and other members of the squash family are in season, fresh and delicious as well as being packed with goodness. So get your fill this Fall. […]