diabetic nephropathyA study published earlier this year showed that bariatric surgery patients who had diabetic nephropathy experienced significantly improved kidney function within five years of undergoing weight loss surgery. Many of the patients experienced remission or improvement in their condition following bariatric surgery.

The study, presented at the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, found that bariatric surgery, such as a gastric bypass, doesn’t just have the potential to stop the progression of diabetic nephropathy, but to cure it.

 About Nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is kidney disease or damage that can arise in people with type 1 or 2 diabetes. Each kidney is made up of small nephrons; units that filter the blood to remove waste products from the body. If a patient has diabetes, the nephrons can thicken and become scarred, causing damage to the kidneys and their function. If kidney function is impaired, the toxins are no longer removed from the patient’s body, causing illness.

The Study

The study followed the progress of 52 bariatric surgery patients over a period of 5 years. 75% of the patients were women with the average age of 51 years and average body mass index prior to their weight loss surgery of 49. Twenty of the patients had diabetic nephropathy before the bariatric surgery.

Five years after the surgery, almost 60% of the patients no longer suffered from diabetic nephropathy, and only 25% of those patients who didn’t have diabetic nephropathy before surgery went on to develop the condition in the next five years, an improvement of 50% of the normal nephropathy rates in overweight people who do not undergo weight loss surgery.

The Future

According to the World Health Organization, around 90% of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. This study shows another health benefit of weight loss surgery and shows that weight loss surgery could become a recognized treatment for conditions such as type 2 diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, and other conditions, such as heart conditions.

The long term effects of weight loss surgery are showing to far outweigh the cosmetic and lifestyle benefits. Although the study is a relatively small one it will undoubtedly trigger further research into the effect of bariatric surgery on kidney damage, as well as the best bariatric surgery for type 2 diabetes and kidney damage.

Indications show that the earlier the surgery is undertaken, the better the improvement to the already damaged kidneys.

Bariatric Surgery with Weight Loss Mexico

At Weight Loss Mexico we have an experienced group of first class bariatric surgeons, led by Dr Lopez Corvola, who is ranked one of the world’s top bariatric surgeons. We offer a range of bariatric surgery options to suit the needs of each patient and support our patients through their weight loss journey, ensuring the very best outcomes for every single patient.

Our testimonials demonstrate the number of people who have changed their lives thanks to weight loss surgery at Weight Loss Mexico. If you are overweight and have any weight related health issues, contact us today to see how weight loss surgery could change your health and your life.