weightloss surgery better than dietDoctors at the Australian National Obesity Conference were told this week that bariatric surgery is more effective for obesity than diet and exercise or weight loss pills.

Diets aren’t Enough

The Australian Professor presented his findings that diet and exercise alone are not sufficient in addressing obesity and obesity related diseases. He claimed that natural methods of weight loss resulted in an average of 10% body weight loss, which is not sufficient to have an impact on the patient’s overall health and lifestyle. In contrast, lap bands or other bariatric surgery can help a patient to lose between 20 and 30% of their body weight. This level of weight loss can result in remarkable health benefits.

In his presentation, the professor claimed that most bariatric patients have tried most kinds of diet and weight loss pills, with little or no success. Of those who did lose weight, the majority put the weight back on fairly quickly. The professor argued that bariatric surgery treats obesity as a disease, resulting in good psychosocial and health outcomes and improving mortality.

Keeping the Weight Off

Bariatric surgery allows patients to lose weight and keep the weight off, meaning that their body can reprogram itself to accept and burn fewer calories. This means that patients who have lost weight following bariatric surgery will continue to feel full more quickly and experience a reduced appetite for years following the treatment.

The researchers summarized that, although preventing obesity would be the ideal, the best way to treat the majority of the 2.5 million obese Australian adults and prevent further potentially life-threatening and costly obesity-related conditions is via bariatric surgery. This opinion is supported by UK and American studies that show the cost of weight loss surgery can save thousands of dollars per individual, as those who do not have bariatric surgery are more likely to need serious medical intervention for obesity related diseases later in life.

At Weight Loss Mexico we offer a range of bariatric surgery options to suit the needs and health of our patients. Our world class team of surgeons will consult with you to decide the most effective treatment for you and our team of surgeons, nurses and nutritionists will provide you with the very best support throughout your procedure and in the year afterwards helping you to get the best possible outcome from your weight loss surgery.

If you would like to know more about our success stories then read our patient testimonials. To speak to a qualified, US-based case manager about which weight loss surgery might be right for you, contact us today.