Lap band surgery, gastric bypass surgery, gastric sleeve surgery, are all great long term solutions to obesity. However, a good, balanced diet before and after surgery is essential to keep you healthy and to help make your weight loss surgery a success.

After celebrating National Fresh Fruit and Veg Month in June, this month is dedicated to just one little berry that is great, filling, low calorie and can actually help to aid weight loss.

Part of the same family as cranberries and bilberries and at just 80 calories a cup with 4 grams of fiber, blueberries are a great snack to help you take on vitamins and antioxidants, as well as help fight aging and lose weight.  Here are some reasons why you should eat blueberries, this month:

The Small Berry With Big Immune Support.  Blueberries contain the highest levels of antioxidants of all fruit. Rich in anthocyanin, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, B complex, copper, selenium, zinc and iron, blueberries are a fantastic way of boosting your immune system and helping you to prevent infections.

Prevent Cancer And Aging.  The antioxidant anthocyanin, which gives blueberries their distinctive color, combines with the high vitamin C levels of blueberries to neutralize free radicals, preventing aging and protecting against cancer. Studies have shown that high levels of anthocyanins can help to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.  In addition, blueberries contain high levels of ellagic acid, a phytonutrient with anticancer properties. Catechins present in blueberries promote apoptosis, the identifying and eliminating of harmful and damaged cells like cancer cells. 

Fight belly Fat.  Studies on the effect of blueberries on weight show a significant reduction in abdominal fat, triglyceride levels and cholesterol alongside improved glucose levels and insulin sensitivity.  This indicates that blueberries could help to prevent diabetes and heart disease. This is down to the catechins in blueberries and research shows that regular catechins ingestion can help to increase abdominal fat loss by 77 percent as well as doubling total weight loss.

Lose Weight. The high fiber content in berries is key to their role in helping you to control your weight. Studies show that every gram of fiber we eat eliminates 7 calories. By eating the recommended 30 grams of fiber a day you could get rid of 300 calories. High fiber intake alone could help you to lose up to 30 pounds a year.

At Weight Loss Surgery Mexico we help people who are struggling to lose weight, and to keep it off. Weight loss surgery, such as lap band surgery or gastric bypass surgery, reduces the stomach’s capacity, making the patient feel fuller more quickly. This automatically means that you will take on fewer calories.  With world class bariatric surgeons and expert advice and support from a qualified nutritionist, our weight loss surgery procedures in Mexico the safest and most effective solution for long term weight loss, as well as cutting risks of obesity related conditions such as diabetes and heart conditions.

If you would like to know more about weight loss surgery, or to discuss which weight loss surgery procedure may be best for you, contact us today. A US-based case worker will talk you through the range of procedures available and help you to find the best solution to help you to lose weight, to feel better and to stay healthy, for life.