Many people trying to lose weight or who have undergone weight loss surgery, such as gastric lap band surgery or gastric bypass surgery, turn to juicing to gain valuable vitamins from fruit and vegetables.  Fresh fruit and vegetables are an essential part of any good weight loss diet, but juicing isn’t the best option. Here’s why you should eat the whole fruit, and not just the juice.


The process of juicing fruit means that you lose a lot of the fiber that occurs naturally within the food. This means that you don’t get the benefit of feeling full that you gain by eating whole, fresh fruit or vegetables. Anecdotal evidence shows that weight loss surgery patients who eat whole fruit and vegetables report feeling fuller and more satisfied than those who consumed juices.


The juicing process increases the sugar content of fruit. This concentrated sugar and calorie intake (without the fiber) can cause stomach problems for weight loss surgery patients, including diarrhea, cold sweats, rapid pulse and discomfort.

Whilst one apple or one orange can be a great, satisfying snack for a weight loss surgery patient, it takes a few pieces of the same fruit to make a normal sized portion of fruit juice. This makes it harder for weight loss surgery patients to lose weight and the continued reliance on high sugar and high calorie drinks make patients more likely to regain lost weight in the future.

The higher sugar content in juices can also cause your blood sugar to rise. This can result in feeling hungrier later, as your body works to lower blood sugar levels.

To Juice or Not to Juice?

If you are struggling to consume the recommended number of servings of fruit and vegetables every day, juicing can be a quick and easy way of getting the vitamins and minerals that you need. However, bear in mind that one orange contains around 80 calories, whilst a glass of orange juice contains 110 calories, lots more sugar and no fiber, meaning that it won’t fill you up as much as the whole fruit.

Be a Smoothie

If you find it difficult to stomach whole fruit and vegetables after your weight loss surgery, smoothies could be a better option for you than juices. By blending together the whole fruit, including the skins, you get the nutrients present in the food and feel more full for longer without the spiking sugar levels that come with juices.

Get The Balance

AS your nutritionist will undoubtedly tell you, it’s all about balance! After your weight loss surgery it may take you a little while to establish a diet routine that works for you. Wherever possible, get the majority of your fruit and vegetables from whole food. If you are struggling to do this, opt for th odd smoothie or juice to supplement your intake.

Weight Loss Surgery Choices

At Weight Loss Surgery Mexico we are proud to offer our patients a broad range of weight loss surgery options. Our world class surgeons will work with each patient, together with a nutritionist and a psychologist to determine the best, most effective weight loss surgery procedure for each individual patient.

For more information about the right weight loss surgery for you, contact us today.