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Gastric Bypass Risks

Gastric Bypass Surgery Risks – Making Sure You Are Aware

As with all major surgeries, gastric bypass surgery and other weight-loss surgeries create both short term and long term potential health risks. Gastric bypass is a major surgical procedure. Some of the risks involved with this surgery are serious and should be discussed with your surgeon.

Long term Risks can include: Bowel obstruction, Dumping syndrome (causing diarrhea, nausea or vomiting), Gallstones, Hernias, Malnutrition and Ulcers. As all risks are subject to each individual patient, please contact our professional bariatric medical team directly by filling out an inquiry form. We will then discuss all of the relevant risks to the gastric bypass surgery with you.

Making you aware of the risk of weight loss surgery

When you choose the Angeles Health network for your gastric bypass surgery, we discuss all the potential risks with you. We will answer any questions you have and make sure you can make the right decision to help you achieve your weight-loss goals. Weight loss surgery, just like any other surgery comes with some risks. Patients who are obese or what could be described as “morbidly obese” will need to weigh the risks of surgery against the risks associated with any health conditions they have acquired due to their excess weight gain. Conditions such as diabetes and arthritis can be dramatically reversed or even eliminated through gastric bypass surgery.