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Greenzone Gastric Plication Surgery Recovery

A common question most patients ask is about green zone gastric plication recovery.  Since this surgery is much different from lap band surgery or even gastric bypass surgery, the recovery is also very different.  It is a very new type of surgery with a new technology called EndoFlip, which allows for precise measuring of the stomach, by the surgeon, to ensure every patient receives the right size sleeve for optimal results.

With the ability to customize this procedure to each patient, the risks and complications are far less than bypass, sleeve, or lap band surgery.  With gastric bypass surgery, the surgeon actually has to detach the esophagus from the stomach and re-attach it.  This can cause serious complications and does put you at risk.

The gastric sleeve surgery is performed by removing a large portion of the stomach.  This can cause internal bleeding and leakage from the stomach, which can be very harmful to the patient.  Even the lap band surgery, which is considered very safe, causes the surgeon to insert a medical device into your body.  All of these come with risks much greater than any green zone surgery and require longer recovery times.

Recovering from green zone gastric plication surgery only requires up to two nights in the hospital, whereas other surgeries can require five nights or more in the hospital.  This time allows the surgical team to ensure your body recovers properly and helps to ensure you have the care you need if there is a complication.

After leaving the hospital, it will only take a week or two for you to get back to your normal routine.  Of course, your diet will be restricted for longer than just a few weeks, but your body will start to feel normal again shortly after surgery.  Other weight-loss surgeries require months of recovery because of the invasive methods used to perform the surgeries.

The first few weeks, after the procedure, you will be restricted to a liquid diet.  This helps to give your stomach the opportunity to adjust.  You will gradually introduce pureed foods and solid foods back into your diet with the guidance of the professional support team from Angeles Health.

Green zone plication surgery is non-invasive and will not require nearly as long for your body to recover.  It is currently offered through clinical trials and available with a medical travel package from Angeles Health.  Most bariatric surgeons believe this is the best advancement in weight-loss surgery ever to  come about and current clinical patients are seeing results comparable to other surgeries.